Recently, I started watching TED talks or well, specifically TEDtalks about dance. I found them to be quite fascinating and felt the need to share, as the genre ranges from ballet to technique to choreography and beyond! Check out the videos below and make sure to tell me which ones were your favourites! Also, make sure to let me know of what you want next month's post to be about! Pointe shoes? Ballet? Jazz? Tap? Hip Hop? Product Review? Performance Review? You name it and I'll write about it! Happy Dancing! :)

1. The Origins of Ballet- TEDtalk
This video is really cool because it talks about the origins of ballet all the way to King Louis (and no I can't quite remember which one at the moment, but in this video it tells you, watch it to find out!).
2. From 'devil's child' to star ballerina- Michaela DePrince, TEDxAmsterdam 2014. Check out her autobiography "Taking Flight" by Michaela DePrince.
This video was great because it was about Michaela's experience and basically explains briefly her autobiography, which is terrific by the way. A recommended read for all dancers!
3. Be great! Juliet Doherty at TEDxABQ
This video was primarily focused on the preparation and psychological aspect of dance presented by Juliet Doherty, who you've probably heard of before as she dances at the Master Ballet Academy in Arizona, and has won multiple dance competitions. Additionally, she will be starring in the ballet movie called "On Pointe" coming out soon!
4. The Physics of Ballet-TEDtalk
I loved this video! It was great to see the mechanics behind fouettes, especially as dancers we mainly focus on the execution and rarely look at what it takes to perform turns like fouettes. It's also straight to the pointe haha, and makes you think, "How is that possible? Yet so many people can do them!" I know it sure made me think that, haha :)
5. The power of ballet: Misty Copeland at TEDxGeorgetown
This video involved a lot of aspects that Misty Copeland talks about in her autobiography, as well as new insights on using ballet for other platforms and how it can benefit you besides physical means!
6. Rethinking Ballet by TEDpartners
A great ballet video that you'll just have to watch to find out, and yes this video does have more ballet than some of the others in it!
7. A Choreographer's Creative Process in Real Time with Wayne McGregor by TED Talks
This video is really cool, as it explains the process of a choreographer when choreographing a dance. I was first introduced to this video during dance class a few years ago, and the methods Wayne McGregor used still stick with me today, a definite must watch!
Overall, I really enjoyed watching all of these TEDtalk ballet/dance videos that are most fascinating to watch, and you should definitely watch for reference and just for fun. If you have any other videos you'd like to recommend feel free to let me know! Happy Dancing!