Today, I was looking over my Youtube suggestions when I noticed that one of them was related to ballet (well, okay so most of them were, as Youtube generally gives you suggestions based on videos you have recently watched). However, I found the title of this video below to be really interesting and decided to watch it. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was about so much more than just about a quick summary of Russian ballet but also went into depth about the history and the origin of how ballet spread to Russia and why they are so well known for it. I found the piece to be so informative and interesting that I also decided to look up a few other videos on the history of ballet to share with those of you out there who are just as interested as I am or may be slightly curious. Anyways, I hope you enjoy these videos and let me know what you thought of it in the comments down below :)

1. "Why Russians are So Good at Ballet"-Youtube (AJ+)The
The video above is about 8-9min and discusses the politics and history of ballet and why ballet is so important in Russia, and how ballet spread to places such as Paris, New York, San Francisco, etc. despite originating in Italy.
2. "The Origins of Ballet"-Youtube (TED-Ed)
This video was really interesting as it goes right to the origin of ballet in Italy all the way back to the Renaissance and how it originated with court life. Also, how it was brought to France in the 16th century and how it came about there. (I have used this video in a previous post before but I thought it was relevant to the topic and would save you some time if you haven't seen it before or wanted a recap :)).
3. "Ballet Evolved: The Evolution of Pointe Work"-Youtube (Royal Opera House)
This video was quite interesting to watch as it discusses the origin of pointe shoes and how ballet dancers used to dance and how it has evolved over time.
4."Ballet Evolved:The first four centuries"- Youtube (Royal Opera House)
This video was cool as it brought in the different types of outfits that ballet dancers used to wear as well as the technique.
5. "Ballet Evolved: How ballet class has changed over the centuries"-Youtube (Royal Opera House)
This video delved into the pure technique as to how it has changed and the influences that caused them to evolve over time.
6."The Evolution of Ballet"-Youtube (TEDx Talks-Darcey Bussell)
I thought it was interesting to see how a ballerina discussed how ballet has evolved and the prevalence of women in the industry. Along with her own career and experience with ballet.
6. As a bonus here's a video on the "History of the Nutcracker Ballet"-Youtube (Dance Channel TV)