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World of Dance Vancouver LIVE Review 2018!

Writer: Lauren TangLauren Tang

Updated: Jul 31, 2020

Last weekend I was fortunate enough to go see the World of Dance performance live in Vancouver, as a birthday present from my parents! For those of you who aren't familiar with the show it's based on a reality TV competition show on NBC created by Jennifer Lopez with some of the best dancers in the industry competing for a million dollars. They have two main categories of junior (under 18) and adults (18+) with groups, duos/trios, and soloists and are judged by Jennifer Lopez, Derek Hough, and Neyo, with Jenna Dewan as the host. They are then ranked on a score up to 100 and need a minimum of 80 to get through the next round. Each round after that they then compete against each other until the best of each category compete for the prize. Unlike many other dance shows on television it involves all fo the dancers competing on the same plain field regardless of age and looks at pure talent, which all of these dancers obviously have once you watch the show it's impossible to deny. It's become one of my favourite shows to watch during the summer because it truly is exciting and elevates the arena for dance in general, which I'm always happy to see! Also, it's always a win for me when even my dad likes to watch the show because it's that good! Oh by the way this article is in no way shape or form an advertisement or promotion for the show, I just really like the show haha :)

Moving on, after watching the show the past two seasons I became really excited and I heard while the first season they mainly toured in the US, this time around they decided to come to Vancouver!! At the time when I looked at getting tickets they were all sold out, however, luckily they added another time slot and my parents bought me a VIP ticket meet and greet as a surprise birthday gift. Upon arriving at the theatre I was really excited but also a little worried about showing up on time, as I had a dance class right before it and Vancouver downtown traffic can be crazy sometimes, even though by distance it's so close! The event was held at the Centre and to my relief I got there on time and fortunately there was a VIP ticket holder line up, so I knew where to go and didn't have to scramble looking for where to go, which is always a plus. Once I got my ticket scanned through I then was given a stamp on both my ticket and hand, along with a World of Dance VIP badge, sticker, and poster for the dancers to sign at the meet and greet after the show. From there, I went to my seat and I was so happy to be so close since I was in the second row and since I'm not exactly the tallest person around it made watching the show ten times better! I know a lot of people say that it's better to watch dance from a distance and I get what they're saying especially when it comes to shows like the Nutcracker. But for me personally I enjoy sitting near the front, so that I can since the dancers facial expressions and their technique that I fail to see as easily when I'm at a distance.

Right before the show started I then proceeded to try and take a selfie near the stage since they had some screens and signs with "World of Dance" on it, which is a lot harder than I expected. I guess I need to practice more since I don't typically take selfies except in cases like this, which don't happen that often.

Anyways, once I sat in my seat again the lights turned down and the show began. I have to say it was very exciting since they made good use of the background with the screens and announced each dancer that came out who did a dance intro individually and all of the dancers danced together. Oh before I forget the acts that performed were: Michael Dameski, Charity and Andres, Jaxon Willard, BDash & Konkrete, Embodiment, and Royal Flux.

Before the Show Started:

One thing I really enjoyed about the show was that they made it a show. I know this may sound like a really obvious thing to do but over the years I've been to numerous dance shows where it ends up being more of a recital with better dancers. However, this show had dramatic elements and rather than one dance performing after the next they interlinked them and transitioned by including the previous performers in to the next performance in the beginning until they exited the stage while dancing. This component definitely made it way more interesting to see the different dynamics between the groups. I also really liked how they didn't just do the dances from the show but also included new ones and put together dancers from all of the groups at the beginning and end. One of the pieces I really enjoyed was a "Me Too/ Feminist" movement piece where they had all of the women from each of the acts ie. Charity and three women from Royal Flux dance together with powerful images in the background. They also had this really interesting piece some of the men ie. Michael Dameski, Andres Penate, Jaxon Willard, Embodiment, and members from Royal Flux did a contemporary dance, which was so good!

Royal Flux:

They also added in some dramatic elements intermittent throughout the show similar to a play or stage acting, which I thought was a cool addition. One of my favourite pieces from Royal Flux was using the flashlights on their phones in complete darkness and rather than just doing poses, which I've seen in other dances. They also incorporated dancing using their phones and even did this part where all the flashlights turn red. Another highlight from them was a duet that two of their dancers did that was amazing, it was Audrey Case and Will Thomas. My favourite part was where Will holds Audrey by her ankles and spins around in a circle, while she continues to be lifted higher and higher with each rotation. This dance was truly a treat to watch and if you aren't able to go to the show I was able to find it on their instagram @royalfluxdance.

BDash & Konkrete:

One of the most innovative parts of the show was definitely when BDash & Konkrete executed one of the dances from the TV show and used a pair of sneakers and a hat instead of the large props and desk, which looked like magic. Their isolation was incredible and my favourite dance of theirs was definitely the "IT" inspired dance they performed.


I really liked how Embodiment showed some really strong pieces that they executed on the show specifically the one focused on masculinity and the damage it causes by perpetuating these standards in North American society. I also liked how they used two songs from Imagine Dragons, as it really fit their pieces due to the power and uniformity they were able to exude onstage.

Jaxon Willard:

Watching Jaxon Willard perform was absolute magic and I'm not exaggerating at all on this one. Seriously, Jennifer Lopez wasn't kidding when she said that he can fly because that is exactly what it looked like whenever he did a back handspring or back flip. Absolutely incredible. I was in awe the entire time especially during the dances he did in the second half of the show after intermission. I couldn't believe it to be frank with you because I thought maybe on television they would edit it or something to make it look like that but I was in shock due to the amazement of it all. Also the turns he did specifically his pirouettes looked like butter, it's honestly still hard to fathom even now after watching it. He is so flexible and has such an ease with it, it's remarkable because of the control he displays while doing it. His expressions and emotions were definitely on point and I was literally so engaged I didn't even get a chance to take any videos or photos because I just wanted to experience it live and most of the time I felt entranced watching that the dance was over by the time I remembered. I swear I think he has definitely improved from the show even though it wasn't even that long ago. However, I suppose the show is filmed ahead of time but still his improvement was noticeable.

Charity and Andres:

Charity and Andres did some incredible lifts and turns with one of my favourite dances that they performed being the dance they got 100 on. Also, I loved the dance they did where Charity is in the purple dress and jumps/lifted off of Andres shoulders and it looks like she floats like Mary Poppins honestly! I couldn't believe it looked the same/better in person. It looked effortless, which is one of my favourite parts of any dance becauseI believe that once you can do that you've made it! From there, it just goes down to technique and artistry, which they definitely had. Their dance from the final round with Charity in the yellow dress was also a favourite of mine because of the eight pirouettes she does at the beginning of the dance, which again she made effortless. I also really liked how throughout the show I noticed that Andres was genuinely super happy to be performing. Not that the others weren't because they were but I just felt like it was an elevated amount of happiness, which is great to see, as I always love watching dancers who love to dance it makes a difference in the craft of dance in my opinion.

Michael Dameski:

As for Michael Dameski, I mean come on that man is unreal!! I swear it was incredible it was pure perfection. The artistry, the technique, the emotion, you name it, bam he had everything! One of my favourite dances that he performed was one of the ones he used on the final round of the show to Ed Sheerhan's song. Ugh that one is pure perfection I mean especially his a la second turns into pirouettes and his stag jump to the ground at the end of the dance (I think that's what it's called), also I love that sequence near the beginning where he does the series of rond de jambs into brises. Also, his ninja warrior performance is incredible. It's literally as good or better seeing it live. The entire piece is perfect from the start to end and that ending is my favourite part because of the emotional change in his expressions and how quick he is to get to his feet. I felt like he was a ninja! All of his performances were so innovative and pretty much any piece that he was in you just can't take your eyes off of him, when he dances it's so captivating!

End of the Show:

At the end of the show during the bows the entire theatre stood up and clapped and cheered, which is highly unusual. Even though I've been to numerous dance shows over the years it's very rare that everyone stands up especially all of the way to the balconies. Also, it was really packed in the theatre and when I checked ticketmaster the day before there were only a few seats left with most of them being in the back or single seats. I also noticed that throughout the show people were cheering them on and clapping and really engaged, and the audience comprised of a very diverse group of people of all ages, races, and dance interest levels, which I thought was absolutely wonderful! As I love seeing so many people love dance as much as I do and it's great to see the dance community interest those who were recently introduced to dance in general or who have loved it for years all at the same show. It definitely gives it a community feeling that is rare to come by.

After the show was over I waited in seat as was instructed earlier and waited for the crowd to thin out, while waiting for the performers to come back out. It took about 30-40min, however, I completely understood this as I mean they had just performed an entire 1hr 30min. Especially given how tired I used to feel after dancing in recitals, which weren't nearly as continuous as this one. We were all then told to go into a line up heading to the lobby where we would then meet the dancers and they would sign autographs and take photos with everyone. The line up didn't take too long despite there being a fair amount of people I'd say about 60-80 people or so. I was really anxious and nervous while waiting and promised myself that I wouldn't freeze up like I did when I met Maddie & Mackenzie Ziegler and Kendall Vertes from "Dance Moms" in LA four years prior.

Meet and Greet:

First in the lineup of artists I met BDash & Konkrete who were really sweet. They greeted me with fist bumps and high fives and asked about how I liked the show. They were so humble and down to earth and they even stood up to take a photo with me and were patient the entire time while I struggled to figure out how to take a selfie :) From there, I met Michael Dameski and I was super excited and I told him how much I loved his performances on the show and today and how he performs with literal perfection, and he was so sweet about it and thanked me and asked me what my name was. He was very down to earth and gracious about the whole thing and I then took a selfie with him as well, which was getting a bit easier haha. I then met Jaxon Willard and told him how I loved his performances and told him my admiration of how he could fly and his flexibility and he was super sweet about it and so gracious. He also asked me what my name was and thanked me and we took a selfie as well. I swear I don't think he knows just how good he is! I then met Charity & Andres and told them how I loved their performances and how my favourite was the 100 dance they did. They thanked me and asked my name and we took a selfie. I then told Audrey Case from Royal Flux how much I loved her performance in the duet especially the part where she was lifted by her ankles and she is literally the sweetest person ever! She was so gracious about the whole thing and thanked me and told me about how that part was difficult to do in rehearsals and is also one of her favourite parts as well. She then asked me my name and we shook hands. I forgot to take a selfie at this one since I had such a good time talking to her but at least I got to talk to her and she autographed my poster :)

As for the rest of the groups: Royal Flux and Embodiment, I honestly didn't know what to say to them because they had danced as a group and couldn't remember who had done what during the performance. Also I couldn't figure out how to address them collectively as a group as they were all spread out in a line behind the tables, and it would be hard to take a photo with all of them as I was by myself. That's one thing I wished they had at the event, either a professional photographer or people who could take photos for the people at VIP, as this would be a huge help! As I noticed others faced a similar issue and would take a photo of one person but wouldn't get their photo taken. Each member of the groups were really nice especially those from Embodiment who asked me how I was and how I found the show, despite my seemingly loss for words at the moment. After I had finished with the meet and greet on my way out of the theatre and I noticed a huge lineup of people on the other side of the lobby, who were apparently there for the meet and greet for the evening show and I'm so happy I went to the afternoon show, since the evening show wasn't for 4 more hours! I would say that this event was a success and was one of my favourite dance performances I've ever seen. The crew was very put together, helpful, and friendly, which you don't always see, and they told me on the way out to "Come back next year!"

Final Thoughts:

All in all, I would say that all of them were really nice and gracious and I'm so grateful and thankful to my parents for buying me this birthday gift because it was definitely my favourite gift this year and one of my favourites ever! I also am super excited to watch season 3, which they are filming right now. However, Jenna Dewan won't be hosting this season due to filming other shows with one of them being on Netflix I believe. I'm also so happy that a show on something I love is becoming mainstream popular that people beyond my dance friends know about! I'm so happy that Jennifer Lopez decided to create a show like this and bring it to network television because it truly does bring more limelight and attention to an art form that I truly believe has been under appreciated for so long but slowly but surely is becoming more popular!

Oh on a side note, after the show I showed my parents some of the few short clips (there weren't many haha, these were for my own memory of the show- I was way too immersed into the show) that I actually got a chance to take and they were really impressed. They also said that they wish they had gone and that they had no idea it'd be that good, which I don't really understand because I mean they were amazing on the show, how could you not think that they'd also be good in person? That's one of my favourite things about dance is that it's extremely difficult to hide flaws and it's like a roadmap to your heart if you do it for the love of it :) But I also understand where they're coming from, as I was in a bit of disbelief myself watching them live that they could be that good in person!! I guess for them watching it with my shaky screen quality proved that if it can look good from that it must be amazing in person, which it was!! They said that they want to go next year if they come again, which I'm sure they will, seeing as how well the show sold out this year and that they added a second showing. Also, for those of you wondering about merchandise. Surprisingly there wasn't any merchandise before or after the event, however, if you bought a VIP ticket it includes a sticker, poster for autographs, and VIP badge.


Overall, I hoped that you enjoyed this review and that if you plan on going to the show/ went to the show that this review helped you remember or convince you to go see it! See it now if you can (I totally get it if you can't especially with Christmas coming up and shows are an extra cost for anytime of the year for anyone) because you can never go back and see it again, as the dancers will change per season and at least you can have an opinion of it. Whereas if you don't go you'll always think, what if? or "I should have gone." Carpe diem my friends as my dad always says (He has a podcast with his friend called Seize the Day- so I guess it makes sense he would say this all the time haha) and go out and see dance live because it's always better to see dancing live, it really isn't the same because there's an ambience and a feeling in the air that you just can't explain by being there (look at me, I sound like a poet haha-side note: I did terrible in poetry as a kid, I was that kid who wrote things like: I like ice cream; it is cold and delicious; yum: the end!). Also as another reminder this post is in no way sponsored or advertisement free or paid or otherwise, it is my true and honest opinions and experiences from someone who just loves to dance and watch dance, who loves it so much that I'm writing this at two am when I should be sleeping or studying for midterms haha! Thank you also for reading through this long winded odyssey of a journey, for my million side notes, and I'll try to learn new words/synonyms for "Awesome", "Amazing", "Incredible", "Remarkable", and "Unbelievable" but I've honestly never had to use it so many times in a review before because I've never seen so much talent all at once before! Anyways, thank you for reading if you're still reading this you're awesome, and sorry for the super long article I just get so excited about dance haha, now go out and dance! :)

Here are some photos I took at the VIP meet and greet and before the show:

Side note: It's funny how when you're taking photos with people that are known that you normally wouldn't post because of how we look but all the rules go out the window because you're just so excited about who you met! I suppose that's how life should be that we should focus on things that we love or excite us rather than how we look in a photo but especially in this day in age more than ever with Instagram or photo editing apps everyone wants to look perfect something that is impossible to achieve. Enjoy my unedited, unfiltered, makeup free except a swipe of lip gloss, post dance class, spur of the moment learning how to selfie photos (as you can tell I still need to learn about angles and where to look haha) :)

Before the show started

With BDash & Konkrete

With Michael Dameski

With Jaxon Willard

With Charity and Andres

Outside of the theatre. (Thankfully, my dad was able to help me take photos after the show outside :) Thanks, Dad! *waves*)

Outside of the theatre with the Meet and Greet poster.

All photos are for (c) Dance News BC 2018


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