What's better than chocolate, bananas, and nuts together? Why, a jumbo banana nut chocolate chip muffin of course :) With a perfect mixture of chopped walnuts, bananas, and chocolate chips into a jumbo muffin, all you need is a glass of milk, and you're ready to go. As for the adjustments needed to be made for the size of these jumbo muffins I put them in the oven for 20-22min and turned them around half way through. I filled each tin 2/3 of the way, and I used margarine to grease the sides of each muffin tin, although you can use any method you like for this step. Also, make sure to keep a close eye on them around the 18-20min range. Since, I made jumbo muffins, the recipe made 4 of them rather than 10 regular sized muffins. Also, I used my Kitchenaid mixer, and I'd also like to recommend putting water in the other two muffin tins without batter, to prevent the pan from burning. I filled them with the same amount of water, as I did with the batter (2/3 of the way). Additionally, make sure to not over-stir the mixture, as it should be lumpy in texture. Also, if you'd like to make it sweeter, you can also make a vanilla glaze/frosting to put on top. Or you can put a slice of a banana on each muffin to signify the muffins as having banana, as it's very handy when you have multiple different types of muffins/ pastries at a bake sale, etc. Hope you enjoy these jumbo muffins, and happy baking!

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