Check out these delicious Mini Blueberry Muffins! Perfect for both a snack and a "healthy-ish" desert! The nice part about these muffins is that they only require standard ingredients that you would normally have at your house like butter, flour, and sugar, so you can make them in a pinch :) Also, the blueberries are a nice touch to end off the summer berry season. I know, I'm sad about this too, but at least when Fall comes in there's always pumpkin spice, chocolate, and ginger, to base off the flavours :) This recipe is really nice, as you can make them either large or small (the cooking time will vary), however, I really like that they're small and cute. Also, this recipe makes a lot of them, so you can bring them for your friends, pack them in your kid's lunches, and still have some for yourself. Additionally, I really like blueberries as a flavour for baked goods, as they always add a fresh taste to your mouth. Plus, when they come right out of the oven, the blueberries burst in your mouth, which is why both frozen and fresh blueberries are great options. Overall, this recipe was a hit and are a great treat to start off back to school lunches!