Today, I thought I decided to make a healthier approach to Easter Sunday and made these delicious Carrot Cake Energy Balls. They turned out pretty well and I found them really easy to make. To make them I used my mini Kitchenaid food processor and I would also recommend having a food scale handy and a spatula (for scraping the sides to ensure the mixture is mixed thoroughly). This recipe made 12 energy balls, but this really varies depending on how big/small you make them. For the carrots, I used mini carrots as I didn't have full size carrots at hand at the time. As for grating them, I used a Vitamix to mince them finely instead to save time and this worked out well. I would highly recommend using a blender to chop the carrots up if you have limited time. For the lemon juice, I only used 1/2 of a lemon and for the shredded coconut I used sweetened shredded coconut, as I didn't have unsweetened shredded coconut at home. For the coconut, it's really up to you but if you are trying to eat healthier than I would recommend using unsweetened coconut. As for rolling them into energy balls, I took approximately 1.5-tbsps of dough (about the middle of your palm) and rolled them into balls. Then I rolled them in coconut ( I poured the coconut onto a plate and spread it out to ensure greater surface area). Overall, this recipe turned out really well and is a great healthy Easter treat alternative on such a festive holiday! Happy Easter! :)
Here is the link to the recipe (from Instagram @veganvultures):
Original Source (Instagram @isi_ru):