Check out this delicious Thanksgiving Vegetarian Mushroom Gravy that I made for Canadian Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. It goes great with the roasted cauliflower recipe I did the week before, mashed potatoes, dipped with dinner rolls, turkey, tofurky, or pretty much anything. Let's face it gravy goes well with pretty much all things and makes a great Thanksgiving sandwich or at least that's what Ross from Friends says aha. This recipe is so good that whether or not you're vegetarian you'll love it and you won't even miss your regular gravy, in fact you may very well replace it! Okay, well depends on if you like mushrooms or not, but I was really impressed with this recipe and while it's difficult to convey in this photo given that a gravy boat covers most of the gravy, what you don't see is that in a separate bowl there's more gravy beyond just this gravy boat! The only changes I made was adding 3tbsps of flour extra, as I found it a bit thin, however, keep it in mind that it will thicken as it cools. So next time I think I'll only add about 1.5-2tbsps of extra flour. Overall, this recipe turned out amazing and is awesome with leftovers and perfect with pretty much everything! So make sure to try out for next Thanksgiving or if you're in the states check it out in November for Thanksgiving or try it out for a Christmas dinner! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this review and let me know what you think of it in the comments, happy baking :)
P.S. While I do realize this isn't exactly a baking recipe, it was too good of a recipe to resist sharing. Enjoy :)
Here is the link to the recipe:

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