Today I’ll be writing a review of these delicious Blueberry Pine Nut Muffins with a Crumble Topping. Now, there isn’t really a recipe out there specifically for Blueberry Pine Nut Muffins, so I decided to improvise and used a plain Blueberry Muffins recipe and added Pine Nuts to it. I used about 1/3 cup of pine nuts and I found this recipe turned out really well. However, I think there was a lot of extra crumble topping that I didn’t know what to do with, so I ended up trying to use most of it. However, this made the muffins a bit more crumbly and dry than I would have liked, as blueberry muffins are generally best when they focus more on the softness found in blueberry muffins. This recipe made about 12 regular sized muffins and took about 23min in the oven. I used plain white muffin tins since this made it much easier to serve later on, as I made them for a family friend. One thing I really liked about this recipe was that it didn’t require using a stand mixer, which made it much easier for clean up. The only thing that I wish this recipe had was a chance for the muffins was the presentation, as I would have liked to be able to see more of the blueberries in the muffins. Since I believe that the crumble topping may have hid them and put them in to obscurity haha. Overall, this recipe turned out really well and I hope you enjoyed this review. Happy Baking :)
Here is the link to the recipe: