Today I decided to make these cute and delicious Banana Nut Muffins! Believe it or not, I have never actually posted a review on a banana nut muffin recipe on this blog yet! I know, I'm shocked too! Upon learning this, I found the perfect recipe and I couldn't be happier with the results :) Making these muffins were a lot of fun to make and didn't require too many modifications. However, some changes that I did make was to use 5 small/medium sized bananas, as the other ones weren't quite enough for 2 cups. Along with adding in the cinnamon and chopped walnuts. The recipe ended up making 12 regular-sized muffins and took approximately 20 minutes to bake. I also used muffin liners rather than greasing the pan, but you could do this instead if you don't have any on hand. Overall, this recipe turned out really well and I hope you enjoyed this review! Happy baking :)
Here is the link to the recipe:
