I have found that as a dancer it can be hard to find interesting and compelling books that talk about the dance world accurately. Here I have listed some of my favourite dance books that you'll be in touch with the world of ballet!

1. 'Bunheads' by Sophie Flack
This is a fictional book about a nineteen year old ballerina living in New York. Then one day she meets Jacob, a musician, who helps her realize what's really important in life. Only problem is she doesn't know whether to continue along the pathway to become a soloist or to follow her heart. Here is the book trailer with the author, Sophie Flack, a former ballerina of the New York City Ballet for 9 years.
Website: sophieflack.com
Can be found on Amazon.ca, Barnes & Noble, Chapters, & more.
2. 'Taking Flight' by Michaela DePrince
This book is an autobiography written by Michaela and her mother Elaine, as she tells her story of living in Sierra Leone, living as an orphan, all the way to her current progress to becoming a part of a ballet company. A truly inspiring story that will have people come flocking to read her memoir, for everyone! Here is the book trailer for Taking Flight with Michaela DePrince, a ballerina with the Dutch National Ballet.
Website: www.michaeladeprince.com
Can be found on Amazon.ca, Chapters, Barnes & Noble, & more.
3. 'Life in Motion' by Misty Copeland
This book written by Misty Copeland is an autobiography where Misty talks about her life before beginning dance at the age of 13 at the Boys and Girls Club to becoming apart of the ABT. Misty's point of view is truly captivating and inspiring for everyone to read about today! Here is the book trailer with the author, Misty Copeland, a principal dancer with the American Ballet Theatre.
Website: www.mistycopeland.com
Can be found at Chapters, Amazon.ca, Barnes & Noble, and more.
Hope you enjoy these books and be sure to let me know what you thought of them in the comment section! Also feel free to comment any suggestions of other amazing and inspiring books about dance!