This upside down cranberry cake will definitely turn your world upside down! Many are under the opinion and impression that cranberries are sour! However, in this recipe the way the flavours are blended together the overall taste ends up being sweet, soft, and terrific! Probably one o fhte hardest parts of making an upside down cake is always being able to flip it over after the cake is done baking in the oven. The best way to do this is to put a plate on top of the cake after the cake has had time to cool down and to then hold down the plate as you flip the cake over! Once you're sure that you have successfully flipped your cake over the next thing to do is to check to see how you did by taking the cake pan off the plate and voila! There are two things that you can do to make sure that your cake flips over properly including greasing your cake pan beforehand and also by using a small knife or fork to pre lift up the sides of the cake to make sure that all of the cake comes off rather than parts of it! Also one really cool thing about using cranberries in desserts is that when you cook the cranberries on the stove to make the topping you cook them until you start to hear them pop just like popcorn, it's one of the best parts about making this cake! Even better is that once you flip over the cake and you see how the cake is caramelized by the brown sugar mixture with the cranberries you see a sea of beautiful red cranberries! This cake is great for any occasion but my favourite time of the year to make them is usually around the fall or winter, as they have plenty of fresh cranberries available at every local grocery store for your hearts desire for cranberries! However, if you do want to make this cake in the spring or fall you can just as easily go the frozen food section to buy a bag of frozen cranberries! Happy Baking!
Here's the link to the recipe: