These classic vanilla cupcakes are just what you need in your life! They are simple to a tee but as delicoius as can be! With a few standard ingredients you have a dessert made to make you look amazing! Vanilla cupcakes are a great recipe to keep handy as you can always use these cupcakes as a standard and then add a "dressing" of your favourite toppings to change it up! You can have multiple flavours from nutella, banana split, berry, PB and J, jello, snickers, you name it! You can do this all by simply adding a filling with a cupcake corer or make a delicious glaze, icing, or frosting. I always like to add something special on top of each cupcake that signifies what flavour that it is, as well as adding an aesthetic appeal! Be sure to test out these original classic vanilla cupcakes today!
Here is the name of the cookbook, "Bake" by LoveFood.