These chocolate molten lava cakes are super easy and amazing and sooooooooo good! I can't even describe how good they are but I'll try. They have the perfect chocolate cocoa flavour on the outside and are definitely a super easy way to make them as well. They only take 10min in the oven when you use a regular sized cupcake tin and 15-18min if you use a large cupcake tin. Although this recipe says it makes 6 lava cakes I found that it made 9 lava cakes, which isn't bad as I guess it's more the merrier! I made these with one of my friends and we were both extremely surprised and relieved to find out how easy they are to make, the fact that they worked out fabulously, and that we didn't need to be professionals to make them! Also another note when you are putting your microwave bowl filled with chocolate chips, butter, and heavy cream, I ended up putting it in the microwave 4 times for 30 second intervals each time. Just make sure to keep on stirring and if the bowl isn't big enough to add in the other ingredients afterwards be sure to transfer the mixture into a larger bowl with a spatula. Also be sure to thoroughly coat the sides with butter and cocoa of each muffin tin to make sure they don't stick and that the middle of each lava cake will be gooey in the middle when they are ready. Make sure to allow 5min for each lava cake to cool as well before flipping it over. As for transfering them over make sure to use a pancake lifter to transfer them to a plate! Once you make these chocolate molten lava cakes there will be no other dessert you'll ever want to make whenever you need to impress your guests!
Here is the link to the recipe: