Yes, I know the first thing that you're probably thinking is, "Christmas cookies? Already? But it's only October?" Well, I'm here to tell you, "No it's never too early to start coming up with ideas for baking treats during the Christmas season, because honestly by the time Christmas comes around you'll only want to put your best foot forward, which are usually recipes you've done time and time again. Although, those past generation cookies are always spectacular, sometimes it's nice to change it up, but it's hard to do so when you aren't sure which recipes work out the best. So, right around this time is the perfect time to start!" The reason why I chose to make Mrs. Claus' Christmas Cookies is because you know how they always have those recipes or craft ideas when you would read children's books? Well, I was sorting through all of my children's books figuring out which ones to donate, and which ones I should give to my parent's friend's children, when I began to wonder if those recipes they put in children's books are actually good recipes. So, what did I do next? Well, first things first I remembered that there was a cookie recipe in a Santa Claus book that was given to me when I was a little girl from my aunt and uncle, and instantly wanted to try it out. I checked for all of the ingredients, which seemed pretty simple, and gave it a whirl, as you should always try something new. One of my favourite parts of baking these cookies, was when the molasses and milk mixture begins to melt, and you add the baking soda, which causes the mixture to foam! I was super fascinated by this, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the mixture turned out quite well! In total it made approximately 16 cookies, that eventually flattened out while they were in the oven. I absolutely love how this recipe combines both molasses and chocolate chips into the recipe, as it is both a classic and a twist on a traditional Christmas cookie! I would definitely recommend testing this recipe out and be sure to check back soon for more recipes that I'll be testing out from other sources soon! (P.S. sorry I've been away for awhile, September is always a crazy busy month! Hopefully, there were enough recipes, to satisfy your baking needs! :))
Here is the name of the book, "Santa Claus" by Green Lucas Wright and published by "Atheneum". Here is the link to stores that carry this book: and Chapters.