One of the most classic and delicious simple desserts around are none other than....drumroll please..... OATMEAL CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES (ta-da!). Haha yes today, we are talking about a favourite dessert all around that combines both our favourite addition to desserts (chocolate chips) and the perfect textured grain (oatmeal). Together, they make a perfect blend of chocolate cookie goodness, that just can't be replaced with simply boxed cookies. Nothing beats homemade cookies like these :) YUM! This recipe is awesome because it makes a ton of them and you won't have to worry about not having enough to keep for both yourself, children, friends, and neighbours! These cookies were a hit with my friends and family, who all claim that once they had one bite, that they were instantly hooked! Lucky for them, I made them into smaller portion sizes, so that they wouldn't feel too bad about it later. I was able to make about 3-4 dozen mini cookies. Although, many of them did ask for more afterwards, which is always a good sign :) These are definitely one of my better cookies I've made and these are the perfect way to start off both your Monday and February, and beat away these Monday blues. Have a super-duper oatmeal chocolate chip cookie kind of day, and you'll be loving every minute of it!
