Check out these awesome SURPRISE! strawberry shortcake cupcakes :) They are super delicious and easy to make, similar to a strawberry shortcake, but way easier! The surprise of these cupcakes are of course the fact that they have a strawberry in the middle of each cupcake! Of course, you can also make these cupcakes without a strawberry in the middle, but it definitely adds an extra little something :) To cut out the middle of the cupcake to put the strawberry in the cupcake, use a small knife, such as a paring knife, and cut a hole in the middle with at least 1 inch border around it, and by cutting it in a circular motion at an angle. This recipe made approximately 12 regular cupcakes, and you can use the middle leftover cupcake bits by crumbling it up in a try with some icing to make cake pops. As for the frosting, I wanted to make it extra special, so I tinted it a baby pink with a few drops of pink food colouring. Also, I decided to use the frosting recipe from my previous post, as the whipped cream frosting from this recipe, kept melting on me, and was difficult to work with, as I was bringing these to a BBQ. So it needed to stay fresh for a lot longer, under different circumstances. Hope you enjoyed this post, and have a strawberry awesome day!
Here is the link to the recipe: