Happy Easter! Hope you all are having a relaxing and delicious long weekend! Today I decided to make Carrot Cupcakes with Chocolate and Vanilla Buttercream Frosting! Now to clarify these cupcakes don't contain any carrots in them and are not carrot flavoured cupcakes but are shaped like carrots on top with frosting. Also the reason why I said chocolate and vanilla buttercream frosting is because I used two different types of frosting to form this cupcake. Chocolate frosting for the "ground or dirt" portion and vanilla buttercream frosting for the "carrot" portion. As for the carrot stems I used green Twizzlers that I bought in a rainbow package of a combination of a bunch of different coloured Twizzlers. From there I used a knife and scissors to cut them into little pieces and generally cut the Twizzlers into approximately 1.5inches long and then cut them into 4 length wise. This recipe made 12 regular sized cupcakes. After the cupcakes cooled, I frosted the cupcakes with the chocolate frosting in a thin layer using a baker's spatula (the Wilton's kind, at least I think that's what it's called). Then I used chocolate sprinkles to cover the cupcake icing completely to give a "dirt-like appearance". Then I used a rounded tip and an icing bag and filled it with the orange vanilla buttercream frosting by using a cup to fill. Then I made a carrot shape by moving in a circular motion in the centre of the cupcake. From there I used orange sprinkles on top of some the carrot portions of the cupcakes (Note: do this fairly quickly, as it will harden fairly quickly). Then I put the Twizzler stems (about 3) on top of the orange carrot in the middle of the "carrot" portion. Also to create the orange colour for the vanilla frosting I recommend using the food colouring gels from Wilton. To achieve the perfect colour I used a combination of the colours Copper and Yellow (I used a toothpick to distribute the colour and then mixed it thoroughly through afterwards: 3 Copper and 2 Yellow). Voila you have your very own Carrot Cupcakes. P.S. I do know that this is a lot of steps but it's so worth it, make sure to check out the inspiration for this cupcake in the link below to create a more accurate interpretation. Also, you could use strawberries dipped in white chocolate (use orange food colouring to tint it orange) let it dry and then hollow out the middle of the cupcake and insert the strawberry. It's also super cute!! You could also use orange icing and use the petal piping tip to create a mini carrot on top and then use the grass piping tip to create the stem portion of the carrot. All in all, it turned out great (well not super picturesque but still a lot of fun haha) and have a great week!
Here is the link to the Chocolate Cupcake recipe: addapinch.com
Here is the link for the Vanilla Buttercream Frosting for the "Carrot" portion: bettycrocker.com
Here is the link for the Chocolate Frosting for the "Dirt or Ground" portion: allrecipes.com
Here is the link for the inspiration for the design of the Carrot cupcake: yourcupofcake.com