Today I decided to share with you a post on making plum cake! No i know for some of you this may not seem all that exciting, but it sure is for me as I have been dying to use this recipe I got back when I was in high school and worked at the cafeteria as one of my courses. During one of the classes they made plum cake and I was hesitant about it because I'd never had plum cake before but it was super simple and easy to make and once it was out of the oven we all had a small piece, as the rest was for a faculty meeting held later that day, and it was delicious! All of us loved it and my friends and I asked if we could have the recipe, so that in the future we could make it at home. They agreed and photocopied the recipe for us and since then, which was the ninth grade, so awhile ago, I've been waiting for the perfect opportunity to have enough delicious and fresh plums to make this plum cake recipe again. Alas, I finally was able to as my neighbour/pilates teacher offered me some plums from her plum tree, as she had plenty of them. My interest was instantly piqued and I told her how I have a great plum cake recipe that I could use them for. She was super sweet about it and offered me more plums and offered more if I wanted them later on. Once I headed home I decided to take out the plum cake recipe and began to make it. At home, my dad asked what I was up to and I told him of my now achieved goal in the past of being able to recreate the plum cake, he thought it was funny that it was one of my goals but nonetheless he was happy to hear that there'd be cake in the house. Making was just as easy as I had remembered and to lay out the plums on top of the cake I put it in rows of 5 plum halves by 7 plum columns. It took approximately 20-22plums, as they were the smaller kind and I left the skin on once I had washed, cut them in half, and taken out the pit. I poured the batter on to a long tray (baking sheet), as I had done back in the ninth grade and sprinkled the toppings on and put it in the oven. It worked out just as well as I had remembered once out of the oven and as a thanks I dropped off some of the pieces of plum cake for my gracious neighbour, who was appreciative and surprised at how fast I had completed baking the cake and then created two plates to give out to my grandma and neighbours. All in all, the recipe turned out extremely well and I'm happy to say that I have now reached my goal of recreating the plum cake from so long ago. There are a few others I'd like to make that one of my friends was surprised I hadn't yet made since I have made a fair amount of recipes I guess you could say, these include: a quiche, creme brûlée, baked alaska, and chocolate fondant. Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed this review of my experience and keep on baking :)