Today I decided to make these homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats for my dog Coco. Also, per a previous request on Instagram to make dog treats, I decided to make another variation and I may try one more version in the future. As the two recipes I’ve used so far both contain nut butters, so I’ll try to look for a nut-free version for owners/pets who are allergic to nuts. This recipe turned out fairly well and it made a ton of treats, so if you have multiple pets and/or friends who have pets, this is great for you. One thing to keep in mind is that they do mould fairly quickly, so make sure to store them in the fridge or freezer for storage to maintain its freshness. In the fridge it will last about 1-2 weeks but on the counter about 2-3 days. The only thing I think is really important for this recipe is to add a bit of water to make the mixture combine together fully and/or use fresh or fairly recent natural peanut butter to get the right consistency. I made them into little dog bone shapes, hearts, stars, etc. You could also make a drizzle on top if you’re feeling a bit extra for your dog using coconut oil and peanut butter. Overall, this recipe turned out pretty well and I would make this again, as my dog seemed to approve as she ate it but I mean she will eat practically anything, so the real test would be if she didn’t eat it! However, I still prefer the previous recipe for dog treats that I made as it stores longer and is easier to shape, so make sure to check that one out as well. Happy Baking :)
Here is the link to the recipe: