Today I decided to make my friend/neighbour Terry's recipe for these delicious Coconut White Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies. Now originally, her recipe didn't include white chocolate chips, but it seemed like it would blend well with the other ingredients, so I thought I'd mix it in. To test it out, the first batch of 12 cookies I didn't add any white chocolate chips but for some reason the batch with the white chocolate chips added in turned out way better. The cookies were fluffier and softer, whereas, the first batch was crunchier and flatter. I also changed the proportion of brown sugar by accident by an additional 1/4 cup, as I read the recipe wrong, so this could have contributed to the cookies texture in the first batch. I also ended up using sweetened shredded coconut, as there was no specification. Also, I ended up grating half of a small lemon for the lemon zest using a spice grater. The order in which I mixed the ingredients was to cream the butter and sugar first, then add in the egg and mix, and then add in the rest of the ingredients afterwards. Also, make sure to scrape down the sides of the bowl with a spatula and use unsalted butter for the recipe. As for rolling the dough, make them in to balls the size of golf balls using your palms and press them down slightly using your palm on to the baking sheet. This recipe was perfect, as they were quick and easy to make and made 27 regular sized cookies in total. I hope that you enjoyed this journal entry on my baking process. Happy baking :)

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