Today I decided to make these cute Banana Bread Mini Muffins. In light of recent events with COVID-19 outbreaks, I thought it'd be a good idea to stay home and also have something to do. To make these, I used my favourite banana bread recipe, with only a few alterations. For instance, I used 3/4cup of sugar rather than 1 cup, as well as making different varieties. The three types I made were: original, mini chocolate chip muffins, and pecan. This recipe made 24 mini muffins and 1 regular sized muffin. I know this is an odd size, but I made due with what I had and made the regular sized muffin with mini chocolate chips and one half of a pecan on top. I also greased the muffin pans with margarine, but you could also use cooking spray or muffin tins. In terms of baking, it took about 18min for the mini muffins and 22min for the regular sized muffin. Also, for the remaining tins in the regular sized muffin pan I filled them halfway with water to prevent it from burning. In terms of cooling, I let it cool for about 10 minutes on a cooling rack before packing them in a container. Overall, I hope you enjoyed this quick and simple recipe, as it uses common household ingredients and you can change it up as much as you like with a simple addition such as fruit, chocolate, nuts, etc. Also, it gives you a fun activity to do, so why not try learning to bake? Happy baking :) Also, let me know what you'd like me to cover next!

Here is the link to the recipe: