Today I decided to make something a bit different, this delicious Apple Pie Pizza! I remember seeing dessert pizzas a few years ago and thought it was such a cool idea and had to try it! Making this pizza was fairly simple in terms of ingredients, however, there are quite a few layers to making it.
In terms of modifications, I used 4 medium sized gala apples and used 2-1/2 cups of flour plus 1/4 cup of oat milk for the dough, since I didn't have cow milk on hand, and it worked out well. As for the cream cheese frosting, I didn't have caramel ice cream topping, so I decided to make a caramel drizzle using a separate recipe.
Since I didn't need as much caramel, as the recipe calls for, I reduced the portions into a quarter of the original and used 1/4 cup of sugar, 1.5 tbsps butter, and 80ml of whipping cream. I didn't have whipping cream, so I used whipped cream from the can, which is why I ended up having to use more whipping cream than what would be 1/4 of what the measurements call for in the recipe.
Make sure to keep an eye on the caramel drizzle constantly, as it will caramelize fairly quickly and also thicken within a few minutes of cooling. I then added the caramel drizzle to the cream cheese topping and saved the remaining drizzle to add on top of the pizza. In terms of baking, it took 23 minutes at 375F and I used a pizza cutter to cut the pizza into 8 large slices. However, you could also reduce the size simply by cutting them into more pieces.
To make it even better, feel free to add vanilla ice cream, caramel drizzle, and whipped cream for a complete experience! Overall, this recipe turned out really well and if you're wondering what it tastes like, it's a bit like an apple turnover mixed with a cinnamon roll texture. I hope you enjoyed this review and I would highly recommend you give this recipe a try! Happy baking :)
Here is the link to the apple pie pizza recipe:
Here is the link to the caramel sauce recipe:
