Today I decided to make these delicious Butterscotch Chip Cookies! These are great with a glass of milk or cup of tea for an afternoon snack or after dinner dessert. Making these cookies was fairly simple and there weren't many modifications that needed to be made. The only thing that took a bit longer was waiting for the cookies to chill in the fridge, but other than that it was a super quick and easy cookie recipe. This recipe ended up making 26 cookies and took 11 minutes to bake at 350F. A modification that you could make would be to add mini marshmallows for a little twist. For some reason half of the cookies ended up spreading in the oven and the other half turned out perfectly, so I'm not exactly sure what happened with the other half. Perhaps it needed a bit more stirring or less butter? Overall, this recipe was a lot of fun to make, and I hope you enjoyed this review. Happy baking :)
Here is the link to the recipe:
