Today I decided to make these delicious Gilmore Girls' inspired Coffee Cake Cookies :) Not only is Gilmore Girls one of my favourite TV shows, these cookies are sure to wake you up and give you just the right amount of energy you need to get through the day. Making these cookies was a lot of fun and only a few modifications were required, such as baking them for 14 minutes rather than 10-12min. Also, this recipe made 16 medium/large sized cookies and I also altered the glaze recipe. The glaze ended up being 3/4 cup of icing sugar, 1/2 tbsp of milk, and 1/2 tbsp of coffee. The original recipe asks for 1 tbsp of milk and a dash of vanilla, but I figured it'd be nice to add some actual coffee to the recipe. Overall, this recipe turned out really well and I hope you enjoyed this review and happy baking :)
Here is the link to the recipe:
