Today I decided to make something slightly different by making these delicious Hawaiian Butter Mochi! A perfect treat as we head into summer and travel through our palates haha :) In terms of difficulty, this recipe was fairly easy to make and the only thing you really need a lot of is time to wait for them to bake. The recipe made approximately 24 to 40 mochi depending on your desired serving size. One addition that you could also add to this recipe would be shredded coconut on top before baking them in the oven. If you're wondering what you should look for when it's ready, the top should be a light golden brown and should come out fairly clean with a toothpick. Also, make sure to let it sit for at least 30 min to an hour to settle, as the texture is quite chewy and sticky. Overall, this recipe turned out really well and I hope you enjoyed this review! Happy baking :)
Here is the link to the recipe I used:
