Happy Chinese New Year! Today I decided to make these cute and delicious Mini Bite-Sized Egg Tarts to celebrate! To make this recipe, it was fairly straightforward and simple in terms of ingredients. One thing to keep in mind was that the filling made about 1 cup more filling than was necessary. Typically, this recipe makes 24 egg tarts, but it ended up making 12 regular sized egg tarts and 44 mini egg tarts. I also used a muffin tin since I didn't have the typical tart shells. Also, make sure to really grease and flour the muffin pan prior to adding the tart because they will stick to the pan quite a bit. In addition, make sure the filling has no bubbles on the surface before baking, as this will affect the look of the egg tarts once they are baked. This recipe took 26 minutes to bake for the regular-sized egg tarts and 20 minutes for the mini egg tarts. One thing to keep in mind about the tart dough is to keep on mixing it until it comes together. At first it may appear that it's too dry, but I promise it does start to come together around 3 minutes in to mixing. In terms of review, the filling was pretty good, and the tart was flaky but wasn't quite like the ones you get at a Chinese bakery, so there's definitely room for modification. Overall, this recipe turned out fairly well and I hope you enjoyed this review! Happy baking and Happy Chinese New Year!
Here is the name of the cookbook, "Easy Chinese Recipes" by Bee Yin Low, you can find it here: Indigo.ca, Barnes & Noble, Amazon.ca, and Amazon.com.
