Today I decided to make these delicious Pumpkin Cheesecake Cookies! These are a perfect fall dessert and amazing with a glass of milk or topped with whipped cream. Making these cookies was fairly simple and there weren't many modifications that I needed to make.
However, I did end up modifying the pumpkin pie spice ratio, as I ran out of it halfway through the recipe. So, it ended up being 1tsp of pumpkin pie spice, 1 tsp of cinnamon, and 1 tsp of cloves. This sort of worked out, since pumpkin pie spice is a combination of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and ginger.
I found the process quite interesting for the canned pumpkin, as drying it out with paper towels was essential to achieve the fluffy cookie texture. Omg they are like little clouds when you pick them up, I swear! It's so cute! I thought they would be way heavier than they were, I suppose it was the cheesecake filling that ended up baking in the middle that caused it to be so light.
You could also add a nice drizzle of melted white chocolate chips or butterscotch chips on top if you'd like a nice pizazz! This recipe ended up making 16 regular sized cookies and took 16 minutes to bake at 350F and 10-15min to cool. Overall, this recipe was a lot of fun and I hope you enjoyed my review! Happy baking :)
Here is the link to the recipe:
