Today I decided to make these delicious Salted Caramel Cupcakes filled with a gooey Caramel Filling, frosted with Caramel Frosting, sprinkled with flaky sea salt, and topped with a caramel on top. The reason I decided to make these cupcakes was due to a follower's request on my latest post and also because believe it or not, I've never actually made them before, despite them being such a popular flavour. So, if you'd like to have some input as to what dessert you'd like to see made next, comment down below and I'll try it out :)
As for the baking process, there were quite a few steps involved in making them and also lots of additional dairy products, which you'll need to make these gooey delicious cupcakes. In terms of baking time, it took about 24 minutes in the oven and made 12 cupcakes. However, I think you could split it up into 14-15 cupcakes instead, as some of the cupcakes ended up too full.
As for coring the cupcakes, I was fortunate enough to have a cupcake corer that my mom bought me from Winners, which worked out well. However, you could also use a knife and/or spoon to scoop out the middle of the cupcake.
In terms of making the caramel filling, it was a bit more complicated than I would've liked, but I think it was purely because I wasn't used to it. Once you get more familiar with how the texture and consistency should be this should be fairly easy. In order to make the filling thicker, I recommend boiling it a bit longer to reduce the liquid. If your filling is too thick then I would recommend adding more heavy cream. In terms of cooling the caramel filling, I found it took too long in the fridge, so I ended up putting it into a smaller bowl in the freezer for the same amount of time. As for filling the cupcakes, you can use a small spoon or a piping bag, it's purely up to your preference.
As for the Salted Caramel Frosting, make sure to put the frosting in the fridge for 15 minutes prior to frosting. If you make it before you need to frost the cupcakes and then take them out, the frosting will become too soft and you'll have to put it in the fridge again. As for frosting the cupcakes I used Wilton's 1M tip in a piping bag. For the final touch, I sprinkled some coarse flaky sea salt and half of a caramel candy in the middle of each cupcake. Another alternative you could do would be to drizzle some caramel filling on top of the cupcake.
Overall, this recipe was super fun to make and I hope you enjoyed this review! Happy baking and let me know what dessert you'd like to see me review next :)
Here is the link to the recipe I used for the Salted Caramel Cupcakes and Caramel Frosting:
Here is the name of the cookbook, "The Cupcake Diaries" by Katherine Kallinis Berman and Sophie Kallinis LaMontagne, I used for the caramel filling, you can find it at: and
