Today I decided to make UBC's famous Ponderosa Cake. I thought it'd be fun to make a recipe from UBC since I'm graduating from my undergrad this spring :) Also, for those of you who are students or alumni at UBC, I thought it might be something you'd want to make as well. Surprisingly, I actually haven't had UBC's Ponderosa Cake even though I was always on campus, so I thought I'd check it out. To make this recipe, I didn't have to make too many alterations. However, I did end up using light sour cream rather than regular sour cream, as the store didn't have any unfortunately since baking and cooking supplies have been sparse due to COVID. Fortunately, I don't think this affected the overall texture of the cake. The cake took exactly 45 minutes to bake, which is great since not a lot of the recipes I make are so precise in terms of timing. One of the great things about this recipe is that it makes a lot of cake, so if you don't feel like baking much, but want lots of cake, this is the perfect recipe for you! I think next time I may use less chocolate chips or maybe mini chocolate chips as an alternative. Another option could be to use other toppings such as raisins, walnuts, or sliced bananas on top. However, to keep with the original recipe I decided to opt for the chocolate chips this time around. The cake made 18 fluffy squares that are super light and delicious with tea or coffee and I would highly recommend making it! Overall, this recipe turned out really well and I hope you enjoyed this review. Let me know if there are any other signature UBC recipes or any other recipes you'd like to see me review next! Happy baking :)
Here is the link to the recipe:
